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Go Native

   We provide products and services to professionals who want to efficiently learn cultural and language skills in a fully immersive environment. Unlike Rosette stone, we go beyond blunt force memorization and flash cards. We fully immerse our customers in a cultural 3D interactive environment tailored to their specific needs. We give professionals a 3D rendered environment crafted in the language and the situation they may find themselves in. Scenes such as closing a business deal in China or having tea in Japan.

   Our solution is using the Oculas Rift virtual reality headset , we will create a complete program. The program will feature language training with cultural references included. The program will be fully interactive as in a video game with voice recognition as well. The customer will be able to use three major senses in the learning process. They will be able to see, hear and speak in the environment. Companies or schools will only have to setup one or two of the systems for employees or students to train on.

  Go Native can eliminate the need to fund expensive bilingual training for businesses. We will deliver a program that is convenient, efficient and in-depth. A product that will increase customer service and help market expansion.



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